Ọmọ Al'adé
How It Works

Private Message Sharing...

Rather than just provide info for the whole world to see, you can share the info among registered users only.
  • Create your message
  • You would be provided with a unique code
  • Share the code among your people
  • Registered users then use that code to retrieve the message
  • Message can be password-protected
Platform built by: Richard Akindele

Feedback & Suggestions

Your feedback is very much appreciated.
Use the form below to send us your message. Describe any errors clearly.

Enter your full name:
E.g. Rotimi Adeosun

Your Address #s:
Your Phone/WhatsApp #s:
Your message: Suggestion, review, support, complaint, etc

Your Email address?
If you want an answer
Verify security code:
If you already have an account, sign-in.
Forgot login info? Click → here.